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Lecture Series on National Education for Teachers in Macao Concludes Successfully


Video filmed and produced by the Centro Diocesano dos Meios de Comunicação Social.

澳門教師國情教育系列專題講座 (天主教週報「號角報」 2024年11月15日報導) - 下載PDF版本


To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 25th anniversary of Macao's handover, the Diocesan Catholic Education Committee and the University of Saint Joseph jointly organised the "Lecture Series on National Education for Teachers in Macao" on 8 and 9 November 2024. The event aimed to enhance Catholic school teachers' understanding of national affairs, strengthening patriotism and civic responsibility. The lectures, delivered by Professor Han Dongxue, former Vice Dean of the School of Marxism at Tsinghua University, attracted a large turnout of local teachers and focused on the themes of national security and the history and significance of national symbols.


Before the first lecture on "National Security, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held by distinguished guests: Dr. Stephen Chan Teng Fong, Director and Deputy Director of the Diocesan Catholic Education Committee; Professor Stephen Morgan, Rector of the University of Saint Joseph; Ms. Cen Jiayi, Director of the Higher Education Division of the Education and Youth Work Department of the Central People's Government Liaison Office; and Mr. Chan Iok Wai, Head of the Department of Students of the Education and Youth Development Bureau.


In the "National Security" lecture, Professor Han firstdefined the concept of national security, stating that it encompasses not only traditional political and defence security but also economic, technological, cultural, social, and ecological dimensions. He traced the origin of the concept from Walter Lippmann's discussion in U.S. Foreign Policy in 1943 to its legal establishment in the U.S. National Security Act of 1947. Professor Han also explored traditional Chinese views on national security, such as "peace and prosperity," "stability of the nation," and "preparedness in peace times," emphasising the connection between internal stability and external threats. He highlighted China's contemporary perspective on national security, where political and defence security form the foundation. He further elaborated on safeguarding national sovereignty, maintaining political order, promoting ethnic unity, and countering terrorism and foreign interference as essential components. In the latter part of the talk, Professor Han detailed the legal framework and measures for national security, focusing on the National Security Law of the People's Republic of China, which outlines seven key obligations, including education, prevention, reporting, and confidentiality, emphasizing citizens' roles in national security. He also discussed the coordination between hardware (e.g., military, police, diplomatic institutions) and software (e.g., laws, policies, strategies) in the security system. He analysed both natural and human-induced challenges, including political subversion and cultural infiltration. In conclusion, he summarised that national security is a multi-level, comprehensive system requiring joint efforts from individuals, society, and the state, with political and defence security as the foundation to address the increasingly complex global threats.


In the second lecture on "The Meaning and History of the National Anthem, Emblem, and Flag," Professor Han provided an in-depth historical review of China’s national symbols. He traced the origins of modern national symbols back to the Treaty of Westphalia and China’s gradual adoption of these symbols during the late Qing period. Professor Han discussed the cultural significance of traditional "elegant music" and its role in Confucian culture, highlighting how modern symbols are crucial in diplomacy and governance. He described the selection processes for the national flag, emblem, and anthem during the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The red flag symbolises the revolutionary spirit of the workers and peasants, the national anthem reflects patriotic sentiment from the War of Resistance against Japan, and the national emblem in-corporates the flag, gear, and wheat/rice ears, representing the New Democratic Revolution. Professor Han also explored the evolution of national symbols in other countries, such as the Dutch anthem Wilhelmus and changes to the British emblem. Analysing the broader historical significance of these symbols, Professor Han emphasised that they not only represent sovereignty and independence but also foster unity and patriotism. He highlighted the importance of regulatory use and educational efforts in solidifying national identity and concluded that national symbols are crucial for enhancing national security, identity, and social stability, which must be continuously promoted through education.


The content of both sessions was comprehensive and deepened Macao teachers' understanding of China's national conditions while underscoring the importance of patriotic education. The organisers expressed their hope to continue hosting similar events to further contribute to Macao's educational development and patriotic education.










• 1980 年 3 月畢業于吉林大學外國語言文學系日語專業。

• 1986 年 6月在吉林大學政治學系獲得法學碩士學位。

• 1994 年 9月在吉林大學政治學系獲得法學博士學位。


• 1980年3月至1982年6月 在國務院外事機關任研究助理。

• 1982年6月至1983年9月 在吉林大學日本研究所任助理研究員。

• 1986 年 6月至2000年1月 在吉林大學任助教、講師、副教授、教授、政治學系主任、行政學院副院長、博士生導師。

• 2001年1月至2004年6月 歷任吉林大學政治學系教授、常務副院長兼吉林大學政治學理論研究中心主任。

• 2004 年6月 調入清華大學政治學系擔任學科負責人。

• 2008 年至2017 年 清華大學馬克思主義學院副院長、教授、博士生導師。

• 2017 年至今 清華大學馬克思主義學院教授、博士生導師。


• 1987年4月至1988年4月 日本關西學院大學法學部客座研究員。

• 1994年3月至1995年5月 日本西南學院大學法學部客座教授 講授政治學與國際政治學課程)。

• 2002年9月至2003年 5 月 日本關西學院大學法學部特聘教授(講授政治學與國際政治學課程)。

• 2008年6月至2008年9月 日本中央大學法學部客座教授 (講授政治學與東亞政治課程)。

• 2009年至2018年 日本東北大學法學部客座教授 (講授政治學與國際政治學課程,每年一個月集中授課)。

• 2010年至2015年 日本一橋大學社會學部客座教授 (城市治理合作研究,每年一個月)。

• 2021年至今  澳門科技大學特聘教授(講授政治學和國際關係課程)


• 中國政治學會副會長

• 教育部政治學教學指導委員會副主任委員

• 北京市政治學行政學會監事長

• 國家哲學社會科學基金政治學科評審組成員

• 中國社會科學院《政治學研究》執行編委

• 國際行政科學學會中國專家委員會委員

• 國家行政學院、中國政法大學、吉林大學兼職教授

• 廣東省社會治理研究中心(華南理工大學)學術委員會主任

• 珠海市社會創新專家諮詢委員會主席


• 曾主持國家社會科學基金和省部級項目 7 項

• 出版學術專著 4 部、教材 3 部、發表學術論文 70 餘篇

• 曾獲省部級一、二等獎和中國圖書獎







《政治學原理》國家統編重點教材,高等教育出版社,1999年 曾獲國家級一等獎


《馬克思主義政治哲學初探》, 吉林出版集團,2007年12月







《中國公共政策決策過程分析》,《公共政策學》 2003年3月日本MINERUA出版社




《西方國家社會建設與管理的若干經驗和教訓》,《閱江學刊》2011年第4期 新華文摘全文轉載

《政治觀革新:理論解構與自主建構》,《人民論壇》2012年第31期 新華文摘全文轉載




《我國社會管理的模式與路徑選擇》,《閱江學刊》2013年第1期 新華文摘全文轉載




《建構具有中國特色社會主義的國家治理體系》,《中國特色社會主義理論》2014年第9期 新華文摘全文轉載

《衡量國家治理績效的根本標準》,《人民論壇》2014年第10期 新華文摘全文轉載



