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The Diocesan Catholic Education Commission (Comissão Diocesana da Educação Católica, C.D.E.C) was officially established in 2016 by the Diocese of Macau,
to disseminate the principles of Catholic holistic education,
and to steer the directions of Religious Education, Moral Education and Evangelisation in Catholic schools of Macao,
as well as to unite local Catholic schools for the accomplishment of our honourable duties in cultivating people entrusted to us by the Lord.

Good Shephard

油畫「耶穌善牧」,德國藝術家 Bernhard Plickhorst (1825 - 1907) 作品

The painting "The Good Shepherd" by German artist Bernhard Plickhorst (1825 - 1907)

委員會宗旨 / Objectives of the Commission

  1. 促進並協調本澳教區學校及修會學校間的合作;
    To promote and bridge co-operation among local Diocesan schools and Catholic schools under religious congregations;

  2. 統籌本澳宗教教育範疇、監管宗教科課程、協助主教執行教區教育事務工作;
    To co-ordinate in the scope of local Religious Education,
    to supervise the curricula of Religious Studies,
    and to assist in the implementation of education related directives from the Diocese of Macao; 

  3. 支援及協助教區主教在教育事業上的發展;
    To support and assist the Bishop in the development of the area of Education;

  4. 構思本地高等教育、延續教育、社區教育等的發展計劃。
    To devise development plans for local higher education, continuing education and community education etc.

委員會職能 / Functions of the Commission

  1. 針對本澳教育現況,協助主教鞏固澳門天主教教育事業,制定本澳天主教教育機構的教育方針;
    Establishing solid foundations for Catholic Education in Macao through conceiving adequate principles and directions
    for local Catholic Education Institutions in response to the current situations in Macao;

  2. 從教區層面,協調本澳各天主教教育機構之間的聯繫、提供特定目標及方向的培訓;
    Facilitating the connection among local Catholic Education Institutions; providing specific objective-based training opportunities;

  3. 在財政及資源上支援本澳各天主教教育機構的發展。
    Supporting local Catholic Education Institutions financially and providing resources in need for their development initiatives.

使命及願景 / Mission and Vision Statements

  • 推動天主教全人教育的理念,以耶穌基督的價值觀,作澳門各天主教學校之宗教教育、倫理教育及福傳的方針。

  • To disseminate the principles of Catholic holistic education;
    To steer Religious Education, Moral Education and Evangelisation in Catholic schools of Macao through the Values of Jesus Christ.

