義大利文藝復興時期畫家彼得羅·佩魯吉諾 (1446/1452 – 1523) 作品
The fresco "Christ Giving the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to St. Peter" on the North Wall of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican by Italian Renaissance painter Pietro Perugino (1446/1452 - 1523)
Picture credit: Musei Vaticani
St. Peter's Award
Introduction of the Award
The Diocese of Macao has established the “St. Peter’s Award” as an encouragement for Diocesan school students who have excellent performance in religious subjects and are actively participating in religious activities from the academic year of 2019/2020. The Award is also expected to help schools motivate Catholic and non-Catholic students to actively embrace the religious ambience, so as to gradually become “schools which offer an education imbued with a Christian spirit” (c. 802 “Codex Iuris Canonici, CIC”; cfr c. 635 “Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, CCEO”).
This Award is donated by enthusiastic fellow Catholics as a reflection of our communion and union within the Holy Church. It also symolises that the nurture of the youth is passed down the line from one generation to another, a concept that aligns with the philosophy of establishing the “Year of the Youth” by the Diocese of Macao.
“St. Peter’s Award” is so named since the “Feast of Saints Peter and Paul” is observed on 29 June each year, at around the time when schools in Macao start to hold their graduation ceremonies. As the leading Apostle and the first Pope, St. Peter is the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church, and to whom Jesus reinstated to feed and take care of His sheep (John 21:15-17). Catholic schools share this important mission of shepherding young people and cultivating faith in them through fulfilment of the mission of evangelisation.
Target Awardees
Graduating students (Primary 6, Junior Middle 3 and Senior Middle 3) from Diocesan Schools in Macao with excellent academic performance in religious studies and active participation in religious activities throughout the three years of the corresponding education stage. One student from each education stage is awarded in every Diocesan School.
Awarded Items
Trophy, certificate and scholarship. (The amount of scholarship for Primary 6 and Junior Middle 3 students is MOP1,000; the amount of scholarship for Senior Middle 3 is MOP 1,500.)
Selection of Awardees
Each Diocesan School nominates its awardees and submits the list to the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission (Comissão Diocesana da Educação Católica, C.D.E.C) within May each year, together with the religious studies subject results of the nominated students for the most recent term/semester and a brief summary of their participated religious activities. The C.D.E.C. will issue a confirmed list of awardees for the year after review.