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通諭《願祢受讚頌》/ Encyclical "Laudato Si'"

此通諭的原文標題「Laudato si'」為翁布里亞語,引自十三世紀的天主教聖人亞西西的方濟各所作的《太陽頌歌》,亦稱《萬物頌歌》。這篇作品是一首詩歌,讚美上主創造了地球的一切萬物與生命。「Laudato si'」亦有譯作《願禰受讚頌》或《願上主受讚頌》等。

The title "Laudato Si'" of this encyclical is an Umbrian phrase from Saint Francis of Assisi's 13th Century "Canticle of the Sun" (also known as the "Canticle of the Creatures"), a poem and prayer in which God is praised for the creation of the different creatures and aspects of the Earth. "Laudato Si'" bears the meaning of "Praise Be To You".

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※ 圖片轉載自天主教香港教區

《願祢受讚頌 - 論愛惜我們的共同家園》
