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Meeting between DSEDJ and Representatives from the Education Sector


DSEDJ in meeting with representatives from the MCSA and CDEC


The Education and Youth Development Bureau (D.S.E.D.J.) met with representatives from the Macau Catholic Schools Association (M.C.S.A.) and the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission (C.D.E.C.) on 10 February 2023, as well as with representatives from the Macau Chinese Education Association (E.D.U.M.) on 9 February 2023. The D.S.E.D.J. officials, including Director Kong Chi Meng, Deputy Directors Teng Sio Hong, Iun Pui Iun, and Wong Ka Ki, as well as other departmental and functional heads of the Bureau, held these meetings to strengthen communication with the education sector and exchange opinions on issues of mutual concern.


The Director of D.S.E.D.J. first expressed his gratitude to the education sector for their ongoing support of Macao's epidemic prevention and control efforts, which reflects the spirit of unity and solidarity throughout the education sector. He also reviewed the bureau’s accomplished tasks in 2022 and introduced the soon-to-be-effective law that governs private pedagogical supporting centres (private tutoring services). Additionally, he promoted the DSEDJ website and the bureau’s message dissemination channels, along with parental education resources, and the latest concept on promoting the development of non-tertiary education curricula.


Tam Wai Kio, Head of Division of Continuing Education, followed to introduce the scope and new requirements for the qualification of staff members stipulated in the law on "Activities of Private Pedagogical Supporting Centres for Non-Tertiary Education", she also mentioned about the addition of centre identification plates and online search functions of such centres on the D.S.E.D.J. website. These measures are expected to allow parents and the general public to have a clearer understanding of the status quo of private tutoring centres and thus strengthening the protection of safety of students. Sou Chi Man, Director of Parenting Education Centre, presented about the collaboration between the Bureau and local enterprises to promote parental education for employees. Through the launch of the Macao Parental Education Information Network and its corresponding channels on multiple social media platforms; the Student Counselling Service Information Network; educational picture books; and animated videos, various parenting concepts and skills are provided in a diversified and cross-channel manner. Lai Iok In, Head of Division of Information and Technology, introduced the various ways the Bureau disseminates information that include various themed pages on their website, Smart Campus platform, D.S.E.D.J. mobile app, etc.. Finally, Cheang Sek Kit, Head of Division of Curriculum Development and Assessment, reported on the deployment of school curriculum development promotion as a response to the recent needs, and that the Bureau is in plan of launching a new phase of curriculum development work, which prioritises the condition creation for schools to implement "Artificial Intelligence Education" and "Comprehensive Applied Skills Education" through the review and revision of both the "Curriculum Framework" and "Basic Academic Attainments ", to further enhance the quality of student nurturing in Macao.


Representatives and school leaders in attendance acknowledged and agreed with the reported work and measures, they also provided valuable opinions and suggestions on education issues of concern, including the education fund, school accounting requirements, education development plans, and school curriculum development.


Source: D.S.E.D.J. (Official English and Portuguese versions not available)
