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Sign Language Co-enrolment Education Support Service


手語雙語共融教育是一個聾、健皆得益的融合教育方案,香港中文大學手語及聾人研究中心於2006年在香港開展「手語雙語共融教育計劃」,至今已由學前教育發展至中學教育,致力建立「一條龍」的聾人教育模式。此計劃在香港推行超過十年,成效顯著,除獲得參與計劃的家長及學生的正面評價外,也得到海外資深教育人員的肯定,逐步延伸至澳門、中國內地和新加坡。2020年2月獲奧地利 Essl Foundation 頒發 Zero Project 2020「創新教育實務獎」

於2018至2019年起,銀河娛樂集團基金會與香港中文大學手語及聾人研究中心合作,在澳門開展為期三年的「銀娛手語雙語共融教育先導計劃」,得到澳門天主教教區的支持,分別與 聖若瑟教區中學第五校教區嘉模托兒所 合作推行計劃,招收聾童入讀共融班,長遠希望陸續推展至小學和中學,在澳門成立「一條龍」的手語雙語共融教育服務。


Introduction of the support service

Sign language co-enrolment education (SLCO) is an education scheme that benefits both the hearing and deaf students. The Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies (CSLDS) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has been developing the scheme since 2006. At the moment, the scheme has been extended from pre-school education to secondary education in Hong Kong. The scheme provides a “through-train” deaf education scheme. The scheme has been implementing in Hong Kong over a decade with remarkable results. Aside from receiving positive feedback from the participating parents and students, the scheme is also recognised by the well-experienced educators overseas. The scheme is later extended to Macau, mainland China and Singapore. The SLCO programme has been awarded the Zero Project 2020 - Innovative Practice Award on Education by the Essl Foundation, in recognition of the Programme’s distinguished contribution in driving access to mainstream inclusive education for the deaf.


In 2018, the GEG Foundation launched the “GEG Sign Bilingualism Co-enrolment Pilot Scheme” and commissioned the Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to help establish a Pilot Scheme in Macau. With the support of the Catholic Diocese of Macau, the pilot scheme launches the SLCO programme in the nursery “Creche Diocesana Carmo” and the kindergarten of “Colégio Diocesano de São José (5º)”. The two scheme partners enroll deaf and hearing-impaired students to the co-enrolment class. It is with our best regards that the scheme can be progressed to Primary and eventually Secondary education and establish a “through-train” sign language bilingualism co-enrolment education service.

In the scheme, the Deaf and hearing teachers co-teach in sign and spoken language. The Deaf and hearing students in the class are to learn both languages and grow happily under the bimodal bilingualism environment.



Philosophy of the support service

Sign language is a visual language with a full-fledged grammatical system. Research has shown the advantage of using sign language to facilitate the development of spoken languages in the education process, both in speech as well as in spoken language literacy. Equally important for hearing students enrolled in this programme is the provision of a linguistically rich environment supported by a variety of pedagogical autonomous learning, literacy and academic attainment, as well as the nurturing of a positive social attitude towards students with special needs.


  1. 為學校老師提供專業培訓;

  2. 支援聾健老師協作教學;

  3. 支援學校管理層;

  4. 推動全校參與融合教育發展;

  5. 為聾童家長提供專業建議及諮詢;

  6. 為聾生提供語言評估。

Scopes of service

  1. Provision of professional trainings to teachers in the school;

  2. On-site Co-teaching support for deaf and hearing teachers;

  3. Support for School Management in regards of implementing the Scheme;

  4. Promotion of inclusive education development in the whole school;

  5. Provision of professional advices to the parents of deaf and hearing-impaired children;

  6. Provision of language assessment for the deaf and hearing-impaired students.


如需了解更詳盡資料,歡迎瀏覽此網頁 (銀娛手語雙語共融教育先導計劃)。

Any suggestion or opinion for this service will be greatly appreciated, as we wish to continually improve the service for the sake of local inclusive education development.

For detailed information of the scheme, please access this link (GEG Sign Bilingualism Co-enrolment Pilot Scheme).

相關連結 / Links

  1. 香港中文大學手語及聾人研究中心
    Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies under the Chinese University of Hong Kong

  2. Zero Project 2020「創新教育實務獎」

  3. 手語雙語共融教育計劃 /
    Sign Bilingualism & Co-Enrolment Education Programme (SLCO)

傳媒報導 / Media Coverage
