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Advisory Group on Educational Affairs of Macao


"GRAVISSIMUM EDUCATIONIS" (Declaration on Christian Education) suggested that "attention should be paid to the needs of today in establishing and directing Catholic Schools", and that "every means should be employed to foster suitable cooperation between Catholic schools, and between these and other schools that collaboration should be developed which the good of all mankind requires". To realise what has been reminded, the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission has facilitated the formation of the "Advisory Group on Educational Affairs of Macao" in May 2022. The Group comprises of representatives from Catholic Schools operated under multiple licensees and from the legal sector, it is expected to initiate in-depth studies of local education policies, relevant legislations and regulations, as well as other education related affairs. Its direct discussion on topics related to the development of Catholic education in Macao will in turns be forwarded to the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission for further examination and decision.


First-term members of the Advisory Group on Educational Affairs of Macao under the C.D.E.C. (term lasting for 3 years from 1 May 2022):

召集人 / Chairman李斌生主教  Bishop Stephen Lee
副召集人 / Vice Chairman陳庭鋒先生  Mr. Stephen Chan Teng Fong
組員 / Group Members

劉少華校長  Ms. Lao Sio Wa

朱  裳修女  Sr. María Chu Sheung

黃建民校長  Mr. Wong Kin Man

劉美玲校長  Ms. Rita Lau dos Reis

張慧玲校長  Ms. Cheung Wai Ling

梁樹榮校長  Mr. Leung Su Weng

簡穗川校長  Ms. Kan Soi Chun

劉麗妹校長  Ms. Lao Lai Mui

張轉澄校長  Ms. Cheong Chun Cheng

法律顧問 / Legal Advisors

石立炘大律師  Advogado Paulino Comandante

崔天立大律師  Advogado Calvin Tinlop Chui

委任儀式及晚宴之報導連結 / Link to the Coverage on the Appointment Ceremony

下載號角報有關委任儀式及晚宴之中文報導 (2022.05.13)

相關委任之教區主教公署秘書長辦公處通告 / Concerned appointment notice from the Chancery Office (CN/13/017/2022) :
