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第三卷 教會訓導職 747條 至833條

第 三 題



CATHOLIC EDUCATION (Cann. 793 - 821)


793 條 - 1 項 - 父母以及代替父母者,有義務也享有權利教育其子女;天主教父母,根據地方的環境,為使子女受天主教更適當的教育,有選擇方法和學校的責任和權利。

Can. 793 §1. Parents and those who take their place are bound by the obligation and possess the right of educating their offspring. Catholic parents also have the duty and right of choosing those means and institutions through which they can provide more suitably for the Catholic education of their children, according to local circumstances.

2 項 - 父母有權享用國家團體所給援助,用以幫助子女的天主教教育的需要。

§2. Parents also have the right to that assistance, to be furnished by civil society, which they need to secure the Catholic education of their children.

794 條 - 1 項 - 由於特殊的理由,教會擁有教育的職責和權利,教會有天賦的使命,幫助人達到基督徒生活的圓滿。

Can. 794 §1. The duty and right of educating belongs in a special way to the Church, to which has been divinely entrusted the mission of assisting persons so that they are able to reach the fullness of the Christian life.

2 項 - 人靈的牧者有責任運用一切,使所有信徒能獲得天主教教育。

§2. Pastors of souls have the duty of arranging everything so that all the faithful have a Catholic education.

795 條 - 既然真正的教育應該達成人格的完整陶成,符合人的最終目的和社會的共同利益,因此應培養兒童和青年,使其體能、道德和智力,都有均衡的發展,達到完美的責任感和自由的正確運用,並且積極參與社會的生活。

Can. 795 Since true education must strive for complete formation of the human person that looks to his or her final end as well as to the common good of societies, children and youth are to be nurtured in such a way that they are able to develop their physical, moral, and intellectual talents harmoniously, acquire a more perfect sense of responsibility and right use of freedom, and are formed to participate actively in social life.

第 一 章

學 校



796 條 - 1 項 - 在發展教育的方法中,基督信徒應重視學校;學校在盡教育職務上,特別對父母有輔助。

Can. 796 §1. Among the means to foster education, the Christian faithful are to hold schools in esteem; schools are the principal assistance to parents in fulfilling the function of education.

2 項 - 既然家長將子女的教育託付給學校的教師,家長應該與教師通力合作;教師在盡其職務時,應與家長合作,欣然聆聽他們,成立家長會或會議,並予以重視。

§2. Parents must cooperate closely with the teachers of the schools to which they entrust their children to be educated; moreover, teachers in fulfilling their duty are to collaborate very closely with parents, who are to be heard willingly and for whom associations or meetings are to be established and highly esteemed.

797 條 - 父母在選擇學校的事上,應享有真正的自由;因此信徒應設法,使行政當局承認父母的這項自由,同時依照分配正義原則,給予補助。

Can. 797 Parents must possess a true freedom in choosing schools; therefore, the Christian faithful must be concerned that civil society recognizes this freedom for parents and even supports it with subsidies; distributive justice is to be observed.

798 條 - 父母應將子女託付給提供天主教教育的學校;如沒有辦法,有義務設法在學校以外關注子女應受的天主教教育。

Can. 798 Parents are to entrust their children to those schools which provide a Catholic education. If they are unable to do this, they are obliged to take care that suitable Catholic education is provided for their children outside the schools.

799 條 - 基督信徒應盡力使行政當局制定的青年教育法令,為能在學校依照父母的良知,顧到青年的宗教和倫理教育。

Can. 799 The Christian faithful are to strive so that in civil society the laws which regulate the formation of youth also provide for their religious and moral education in the schools themselves, according to the conscience of the parents.

800 條 - 1 項 - 教會有權創設並管理任何學科、種類和等級的學校。

Can. 800 §1. The Church has the right to establish and direct schools of any discipline, type, and level.

2 項 - 信徒應扶持天主教學校,盡力幫助開創和支持學校的工作。

§2. The Christian faithful are to foster Catholic schools, assisting in their establishment and maintenance according to their means.

801 條 - 凡以教育為其使命的修會,應忠信持守其使命,經由在教區主教的同意下所建立的學校,努力獻身於天主教教育。

Can. 801 Religious institutes whose proper mission is education, retaining their mission faithfully, are also to strive to devote themselves to Catholic education through their schools, established with the consent of the diocesan bishop.

802 條 - 1 項 - 如無法提供含有基督精神教育的學校,教區主教應設法使之成立。

Can. 802 §1. If schools which offer an education imbued with a Christian spirit are not available, it is for the diocesan bishop to take care that they are established.

2 項 - 在有需要的地方,教區主教應設法成立職業的和技術的學校,以及其他為特別需要而設立的學校。

§2. Where it is expedient, the diocesan bishop is to make provision for the establishment of professional schools, technical schools, and other schools required by special needs.

803 條 - 1 項 - 天主教學校是由教會當局,或是教會公法人所管理的學校,或是教會權力以書面文件承認的學校。

Can. 803 §1. A Catholic school is understood as one which a competent ecclesiastical authority or a public ecclesiastical juridic person directs or which ecclesiastical authority recognizes as such through a written document.

2 項 - 在天主教學校內,訓育和教育都應以天主教教義為原則;教師應有正確的學識和端莊的生活。

§2. The instruction and education in a Catholic school must be grounded in the principles of Catholic doctrine; teachers are to be outstanding in correct doctrine and integrity of life.

3 項 - 任何學校,雖然實際有天主教精神,除有教會當局同意外,不得冠以天主教學校的名稱。

§3. Even if it is in fact Catholic, no school is to bear the name Catholic school without the consent of competent ecclesiastical authority.

804 條 - 1 項 - 在任何學校所傳授的,或是在不同的社會傳播工具所策劃的,天主教宗教訓練和教育,均屬教會權下;主教團應對這方面的行動制定總則,而教區主教應安排並監督此事。

Can. 804 §1. The Catholic religious instruction and education which are imparted in any schools whatsoever or are provided through the various instruments of social communication are subject to the authority of the Church. It is for the conference of bishops to issue general norms about this field of action and for the diocesan bishop to regulate and watch over it.

2 項 - 教區教長應盡力使在學校,連在非天主教學校講授宗教課的教師,必須在正確道理,基督化生活見證和教學技術皆為優等者,才可延聘。

§2. The local ordinary is to be concerned that those who are designated teachers of religious instruction in schools, even in non-Catholic ones, are outstanding in correct doctrine, the witness of a Christian life, and teaching skill.

805 條 - 教區教長有權為其教區任命並批准宗教科教師,同樣,如因宗教或道德理由,有權將其調職或勒令使其調職。

Can. 805 For his own diocese, the local ordinary has the right to appoint or approve teachers of religion and even to remove them or demand that they be removed if a reason of religion or morals requires it.

806 條 - 1 項 - 教區主教有權監督並視察其地區內的天主教學校,連修會會士所創設或所管理的學校在內,主教也有權規定有關天主教學校的管理:這些規定為會士所管理的學校也有效,但有關這些學校的內部管理,不在此限。

Can. 806 §1. The diocesan bishop has the right to watch over and visit the Catholic schools in his territory, even those which members of religious institutes have founded or direct. He also issues prescripts which pertain to the general regulation of Catholic schools; these prescripts are valid also for schools which these religious direct, without prejudice, however, to their autonomy regarding the internal direction of their schools.

2 項 - 天主學校校長,在教區教長監督之下,應設法使學校中所施教育,在學術方面至少與該地區的其他學校程度相等。

§2. Directors of Catholic schools are to take care under the watchfulness of the local ordinary that the instruction which is given in them is at least as academically distinguished as that in the other schools of the area.

第 二 章 




807 條 - 教會有權創設並督導大學,旨在促進人類高等文化和人格圓滿的發展,並行使教會訓導的職務。

Can. 807 The Church has the right to erect and direct universities, which contribute to a more profound human culture, the fuller development of the human person, and the fulfillment of the teaching function of the Church.

808 條 - 任何大學,即使實在是天主教的,除有教會主管當局的同意外,不得冠以「天主教大學」的名稱。

Can. 808 Even if it is in fact Catholic, no university is to bear the title or name of Catholic university without the consent of competent ecclesiastical authority.

809 條 - 主教團應設法在可能範圍內,設立大學或至少學院,使之在其地區內作適當的分佈,為能在其中研究並傳授不同的學科,保持各學科學術的獨立性並符合天主教教義。

Can. 809 If it is possible and expedient, conferences of bishops are to take care that there are universities or at least faculties suitably spread through their territory, in which the various disciplines are studied and taught, with their academic autonomy preserved and in light of Catholic doctrine.

810 條 - 1 項 - 依照章程規定,主管當局有責任在天主教大學任命教師,這些教師除了學術和教學的資格外,也該具備教義的完整和端正的生活,如缺少這些條件,應根據章程規定的程序,撤銷其職務。

Can. 810 §1. The authority competent according to the statutes has the duty to make provision so that teachers are appointed in Catholic universities who besides their scientific and pedagogical qualifications are outstanding in integrity of doctrine and probity of life and that they are removed from their function when they lack these requirements; the manner of proceeding defined in the statutes is to be observed.

2 項 - 主教團與有關的教區主教,有職務也有權利監督,使這些大學忠信持守天主教教義的原則。

§2. The conferences of bishops and diocesan bishops concerned have the duty and right of being watchful so that the principles of Catholic doctrine are observed faithfully in these same universities.

811 條 - 1 項 - 教會當局應設法在天主教大學內,設立神學院或神學系,或至少設神學講座,給平信徒學生教授神學課程。

Can. 811 §1. The competent ecclesiastical authority is to take care that in Catholic universities a faculty or institute or at least a chair of theology is erected in which classes are also given for lay students.

2 項 - 在每一座天主教大學內,應排專門課程,以討論與各學院學科相關的神學問題。

§2. In individual Catholic universities, there are to be classes which especially treat those theological questions which are connected to the disciplines of their faculties.

812 條 - 凡在專科以上學校教授任何神學科系的人,該有教會當局的任命。

Can. 812 Those who teach theological disciplines in any institutes of higher studies whatsoever must have a mandate from the competent ecclesiastical authority.

813 條 - 教區主教對學生應有熱誠的牧靈照顧,得為之設立堂區,或至少指派司鐸固定地做此工作,並設法在大學,即使在非天主教大學內,設立天主教大專學生中心,藉以幫助青年,尤其是在精神方面。

Can. 813 The diocesan bishop is to have earnest pastoral care for students, even by erecting a parish or at least by designating priests stably for this, and is to make provision that at universities, even non-Catholic ones, there are Catholic university centers which give assistance, especially spiritual assistance, to youth.

814 條 - 對大學所制定的法則,同樣也適用於其他專科學校。

Can. 814 The prescripts established for universities apply equally to other institutes of higher learning.

第 三 章




815 條 - 教會因有宣報啟示真理的職責,有權設立教會大學或院系,為研究聖學和與聖學有關學術,並在這方面學術化地教導學生。

Can. 815 Ecclesiastical universities or faculties, which are to investigate the sacred disciplines or those connected to the sacred and to instruct students scientifically in the same disciplines, are proper to the Church by virtue of its function to announce the revealed truth.

816 條 - 1 項 - 惟有憑宗座的創設或宗座的核准,才能成立教會大學和院系;宗座並有權對之作上級的監督。

Can. 816 §1. Ecclesiastical universities and faculties can be established only through erection by the Apostolic See or with its approval; their higher direction also pertains to it.

2 項 - 每一座教會大學和院系,應該有為宗座所批准的自己的章程和課程。

§2. Individual ecclesiastical universities and faculties must have their own statutes and plan of studies approved by the Apostolic See.

817 條 - 非經宗座所成立或核准成立的大學或院系,不得頒授在教會內有法定效力的學位。

Can. 817 No university or faculty which has not been erected or approved by the Apostolic See is able to confer academic degrees which have canonical effects in the Church.

818 條 - 凡在 810、812 及 813 條所定有關天主教大學的規定, 也適用於教會大學和院系。

Can. 818 The prescripts established for Catholic universities in cann. 810, 812, and 813 are also valid for ecclesiastical universities and faculties.

819 條 - 為教區或修會或普世教會的益處,教區主教或主管修會的上司,應派遣性格良好、天資聰敏而又有德行的青年、聖職人和會士,入教會大學或院系深造。

Can. 819 To the extent that the good of a diocese, a religious institute, or even the universal Church itself requires it, diocesan bishops or the competent superiors of the institutes must send to ecclesiastical universities or faculties youth, clerics, and members, who are outstanding in character, virtue, and talent.

820 條 - 教會大學和院系的校長和 教授,應設法使大學不同的院系照教材情況彼此互助,務使自己的大學或院系和其他的大學和院系,即使不是教會的,也能彼此合作,藉會議,學術性的合作研究以及其他方法,促進學術的更大成長。

Can. 820 The moderators and professors of ecclesiastical universities and faculties are to take care that the various faculties of the university oVer mutual assistance as their subject matter allows and that there is mutual cooperation between their own university or faculty and other universities and faculties, even non-ecclesiastical ones, by which they work together for the greater advance of knowledge through common effort, meetings, coordinated scientific research, and other means.

821 條 - 主教團和教區主教,在可能範圍內,應設法成立宗教學術的高等學術,在其中教授神學和有關基督宗教文化的課程。

Can. 821 The conference of bishops and the diocesan bishop are to make provision so that where possible, higher institutes of the religious sciences are established, namely, those which teach the theological disciplines and other disciplines which pertain to Christian culture.
