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天主造了一男一女 / Male and Female He Created Them


Original texts on the Official Site of the Congregation for Catholic Education: 

English / Français / Italiano / Português / Español / 日本語

有鑑近年性別意識型態在世界各地擴散,尤其是在天主教學校內偏離自然事實的性別理論有蔓延的趨勢,梵蒂岡教廷天主教教教育部特意於二零一九年六月初簽署並發表了《天主造了一男一女 - 在教育領域內關於性別議題的對話之路》的文獻,向天主教教育機構提供建議及引領。



With the recent worldwide spread of the "gender theory" ideology, the tendency in widespreading of such concept that deviates from natural facts is also observed in Catholic schools. To attend to this concern, the Congregation for Catholic Education has signed and announced the document "Male and Female He Created Them - Towards a Path of Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in Education" in June 2019, providing advice and guidance to Catholic educational institutions.

Not being a doctrinal document, it was written to call for schools, families, and communities to work together to provide a positive and prudent education in sexuality. It also aims to help schools and teachers cope with stances that deny the difference and reciprocity in nature of a man and a woman. The document also suggests open dialogues on studies of gender, while respecting views that greatly differ from ours, and through listening, reasoning and proposing, we shall expect our stance in rejecting the request in abolishing gender differences to be respected as well.





Male and Female He Created Them

Towards a Path of Dialogue on the 
Question of Gender Theory in Education

Download Full Text in English
