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Advanced Training Programme for Religious Subject Teachers
on Theology of the Body commenced

「惜身文化」宗教老師進階培育課程開課 (天主教週報「號角報」 2022年10月28日報導)下載PDF版本

為進一步深化教區學校的宗教科老師對聖若望保祿二世「身體神學」的理解和應用,澳門教區生命委員會教區天主教教育委員會以及聖若瑟大學持續進修部承接上學年的基礎課程,繼續合辦「惜身文化」宗教老師進階培育課程 (2022-2023),並於2022年10月17日正式開課。該課程由李斌生主教擔任講師,他將連同其他的嘉賓講者,以理論講授、課本研習、經驗分享、以及靈修內化等課程面向,帶動學員一同反思和構想在校內推動惜身文化的可行方案。

In order to further deepen the understanding and application of St. John Paul II's "Theology of the Body" by religion subject teachers from Diocesan Schools, the Macau Diocesan Commission for Life, the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission and the Lifelong Learning Office of University of Saint Joseph jointly offer the Advanced Training Programme on “Theology of the Body” for the school year of 2022-2023 in succession to the foundation programme in the previous school year. The advanced programme commenced on 17 October 2022, and is to be delivered by the Reverend Bishop Stephen Lee along with certain invited guest speakers. This programme aims to lead participants to reflect on and conceptualise possible solutions for promoting a culture of theology of the body in their respective schools through presenting concerned theories, reading materials, experience sharing and guided internalisation in spirituality.


In the first lesson, the Reverend Bishop emphasised that the advanced programme would be a new leap forward for the participants that they were expected to continuously acquire deeper knowledge in the topic in order to be able to aid in transforming the concepts into languages their own students could understand, so as to introduce the forward-looking teachings of St. John Paul II into each classroom of the schools. The Bishop also expressed his appreciation to the participants’ commitment in taking up the mission to promote a culture of the theology of the body in schools, to aid generations of students to know God through understanding their own bodies and live life to the fullest. A revision of what had been learnt in the foundation programme was then presented, in which the Reverend Bishop led the participants to review the true meaning of “Theology of the Body” as the understanding of the mystery of the bodies of male and female; based on which the inner life of the Holy Trinity is understood; and from the union of the Holy Trinity can the communion of Christ and the Church can be understood; giving rise to the understanding of the ultimate direction of human life from the meaning of the body and sexuality. Before the lesson was concluded, the Bishop directed the participants to the supplementary reading materials in order to guide them towards a better understanding of the context and focus of the contents.


A total of 28 religious subject representing teachers from the nine Diocesan Schools are participating in this advanced training programme with lessons arranged across a period of eight months. The participants appreciated the rich contents planned for the programme, while anticipating the challenges involved. All of them were looking forward to building further confidence and experience in promoting the culture of theology of the body under the careful guidance of the Bishop and in this atmosphere of mutual support and idea exchange.
