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Successful Conclusion of the "DOCAT" Teachers' Training Programme on Social Doctrine

「社會訓導」教師培育課程結業 (天主教週報「號角報」 2023年7月7日報導)下載PDF版本


The "DOCAT" Teachers' Training Programme on Social Doctrine, a collaborative effort between the Diocesan Commission for Life (CDV), the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission (CDEC), and the Lifelong Learning Office (LLO) at the University of Saint Joseph (USJ), has been successfully concluded on June 15. The reverend Bishop Stephen Lee Bun-Sang marked this occasion by honoring the participants with certificates. He further urged the trained educators to imbue the future generation with the "DOCAT" spirit they have come to embody, with the aspiration of spreading the influential power of love and care to broader audiences.


The programme, which commenced in November 2022 and spanning a period of eight months, saw the successful completion by a total of 29 participants from the nine local Diocesan Schools. All participants were presented with their certificates as a testament to their commitment. The organisers extend their gratitude to all the lecturers and guest speakers who provided their valuable insights and nurtured new ways of teaching among the participants.
