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Annual Appreciation Dinner of Diocesan Schools for the academic year 2019/2020


The Annual Appreciation Dinner of Diocesan Schools for the academic year 2019/2020 was held on the evening of 20 July 2020 at the Metropole Hotel Macao, the event was organised by the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission to express the gratitude towards the members of the management committees, principals and senior administrators of the 7 Diocesan Schools. The Dinner was hosted by Reverend Bishop D. Stephen Lee Bun-Sang, and guests included Ms. Xu Ting, Director-General of the Department of Education and Youth Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Macao SAR; Ms. Vicky Leong Vai-Kei and Mr. Kong Chi-Meng, the two Deputy Directors of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau; Mr. Wong Ka-Ki, Head of Department of Education of the same Bureau; and Deacon Professor Stephen Morgan, Rector of University of Saint Joseph.


Bishop Stephen Lee offered his appreciation to all members of the Diocesan schools for their commitment to work, that each of them strove to take care of students’ learning activities even under contingency measures like the suspension and resumption of classes. In his speech, the Bishop reminded that the core of education is about people, and the core of Catholic education lies in showing all people the love of God. For this reason, administrators of the schools shall pay special attention on the wellbeing and satisfaction of our colleagues in respective positions, in order to share the love of God.



In the event, the Bishop also thanked in particular Mr. Chan Kei I, former Supervisor of Colégio Diocesano de São José, and Dr. Gerald Wu Kam-Yuen, retiring Principal of Colégio Diocesano de São José 5, for their dedication in their services, followed by the offering of a heartfelt gift to each.
