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Orientation Meeting of Diocesan Schools’ New Teachers with the Bishop


The “Orientation Meeting for New Teachers” was organised on the morning of 27 August 2022 by the Diocesan Catholic Education Committee for new teaching staff members recruited by the nine Diocesan Schools. The activity took place at the Auditorium of the Diocesan Curia (Paço Episcopal), attended by new teachers who shall start their services in the upcoming 2022/2023 academic year at one of the nine Diocesan Schools, namely Colégio Diocesano de São José (C.D.S.J.), Colégio Diocesano de São José Quinto Edifício (C.D.S.J.5), Colégio Diocesano de São José Sexta Escola (C.D.S.J.6), English and Chinese Sections of Colégio de Santa Rosa de Lima (S.R.L.), Escola São Paulo (E.S.P.), Escola de Santa Teresa do Menino Jesus, Escola de Santa Madalena, and Escola Dom João Paulino (E.D.J.P.). The participants were introduced to two topics on “Overview of Educational Development under the Diocese of Macau” and “Educational Principles and Core Values of Catholic Schools” delivered respectively by Dr. Stephen Chan Teng-Fong, Office Director of the CDEC; and Professor Anna Chan Kai-Yung, Supervisor of C.D.S.J. 5, in order for each teacher to be prepared for the missions of Catholic Schools and the education services provided by the local Diocese. Having listened to the Principals’ expectations and encouragement, the participants took the “Diocesan School Teachers’ Oath” that drew contents from both the Catholic Code of Canon Law and the Declaration on Christian Education, followed by the blessing from the Reverend Bishop. With Principals of the Diocesan Schools and guests, the orientation saw a total of nearly 80 participants.


The orientation commenced with the prayer led by Fr. Chen Xin Wang, the Reverend Bishop Stephen Lee Bun-Sang then gave a welcoming address that expressed his gratitude in being able to meet with all attending teachers after the recent covid-19 epidemic. He then encouraged them not to feel anxious to become a teacher at a new school, since each Diocesan School is committed to creating an environment where both teachers and students can feel safe, and where co-workers are able to support each other and accompany each other. 


The Bishop then urged the new teachers that they are to overcome the challenges ahead for the sake of their students. But whenever they face difficulties that they cannot solve on their own, they should remember that our school Supervisors, Principals, fellow teachers and even members from the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission would always be around to provide support, because within the school families we all value care, protection and help for each other. He also reminded that teachers should value the encounter they have with each student and walk among them, helping each student with different needs to grow, eventually inculcating moral values in them.


Before delivering the following talk “Overview of Educational Development under the Diocese of Macau”, Dr. Stephen Chan first led the new teachers to meet and understand their fellow colleagues from different Diocesan Schools through an ice-breaking game. The new teachers were divided into groups of two or three for each to introduce to fellow colleagues from other Diocesan Schools on themselves; on the reasons for choosing to join a Catholic School; and on their aspirations after becoming a Diocesan School teacher. A few of them were then selected to talk about his or her newly known colleague to all the participants.


Dr. Stephen Chan then introduced in his talk what missions Catholic Schools and their teaching members share; followed by providing a big picture of how the education services of Diocesan Institutions encompass pre-school stage (nursery), non-tertiary education stages (kindergarten, primary and secondary), and tertiary education levels (bachelor, master and doctorate degree programmes). furthered his introduction by listing the histories and administrative structures of the Diocesan Schools as well as the Diocesan Catholic Education Committee. Major statistical figures concerning Diocesan and Catholic Schools were shown to illustrate the proportions of both as compared to the overall figures of all schools in the local non-tertiary education system.


Professor Anna Chan mentioned in the talk about “Educational Principles and Core Values of Catholic Schools” that the purpose of education in the Catholic Church lies solely on the will of Jesus Christ, to give more people the opportunity in learning about God and the true meaning and mission of life. As a result, Catholic Schools place an emphasis on ethical and moral education, in hope that each student can establish correct values and righteous virtues. She went on to explain why religious studies and Bible lessons are indispensable subjects at Catholic Schools. And regarding requirements in teachers’ behaviour, Professor Chan elaborated with a list of incompatibilities between the teachings of the Catholic Church and current socially accepted concepts and customs.


After the talk sessions, the new teachers took the “Diocesan School Teachers’ Oath” that drew contents from both the Catholic Code of Canon Law and the Declaration on Christian Education.


The orientation came to its closing as the new teachers received the blessing from the Reverend Bishop.
