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Appointment Ceremony for Members of 

the Diocesan School Management Committees


The Office of the Diocesan Commission for Catholic Education organised the "Appointment Ceremony for Members of the Diocesan School Management Committees" at the Diocesan Curia (Paço Episcopal) on the afternoon of 27 August 2022 to appoint new term SMC members from the nine Diocesan Schools. The new term spans over the school years 2022/2023 and 2024/2025, resulting in the appointment period of 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2025. A total of 83 seats for the nine SMCs were filled by 63 individuals invited from different sectors, with each SMC including a school teacher and a parent for the sake of diversity and representability. Among all invited members, the Appointment Ceremony had the honour of the presence of 55 of them.


As the representative of the registration owner of the nine Diocesan Schools, the Reverend Bishop Stephen Lee Bun-Sang began his speech by thanking the attending members from the previous term of the Management Committees, for working together over the past three years and building up experience together, he then gave a warm welcome to the 22 newly appointed members. The Reverend Bishop also reminded the members that they are to guide the schools to follow the mission and educational principles of Catholic Schools, and to supervise the schools in their efforts to evangelise. In the later part of his speech, the words of Pope Francis last June were quoted, "Catholic Schools should be 'welcoming places' where one heals not only one’s own wounds but also those of others. They should be meeting with the little ones, with the poor and the discarded", to show the expectation that the SMC members as steering persons must do their utmost to turn schools into places which care for the poor learners and those with less resources, so that schools do not "withdraw into selfish elitism, but where students can live together with everyone, where brotherhood is lived, knowing that everything is connected.” After thanking the members once again for their contribution to education within the Diocese, the Reverend Bishop expressed his hope that the members would bring in diversified ideas to the Committees and create a safe environment that favours the growth of both teachers and students.


Before the official appointments, Dr. Stephen Chan Teng-Fong, Director of the Office of the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission, gave a briefing to the members on the overall planning of the Diocesan School Management Committees, introducing in depth the general composition of the SMCs, the list of new term members of each school, demographics and interesting statistics about the members, as well as the duties and responsibilities, etc., so that both reappointed and new members could have a clearer understanding of the purpose of establishing SMCs, authorities and responsibilities of their members, as well as the latest overview of all nine Diocesan SMCs.


Detailed list of members of the Diocesan School Management Committees can be obtained on this page.


Group Photographs of the Diocesan SMC Members who attended the Ceremony

Colégio Diocesano de São José

Colégio Diocesano de São José 5

Colégio Diocesano de São José 6

Escola Dom João Paulino

Escola de Santa Madalena

Escola de Santa Teresa do Menino Jesus

Escola São Paulo

Colégio de Santa Rosa de Lima - Secção Chinesa

Colégio de Santa Rosa de Lima - Secção Inglesa
