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Commencement of “DOCAT” – Teachers’ Training Programme on Social Doctrine

「社會訓導」教師培訓課程開課 (天主教週報「號角報」 2022年11月25日報導)下載PDF版本


The "DOCAT" Teachers’ Training Programme on Social Doctrine co-organised by the Diocesan Commission for Life (CDV), the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission (CDEC) and the Lifelong Learning Office (LLO) of the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) has commenced on 17 November 2022. The Programme is delivered jointly by the Reverend Bishop Stephen Lee and the leader of the Social Concerns Group under the CDV, Mr. Yp Weng Keong, along with other invited guests to share their expertise in individual topics covered in the “DOCAT” textbook. The Programme was designed to guide subject teachers of Moral and Civic Education from Diocesan Schools, especially non-Catholic ones, through the main principles of social doctrine teachings in the Church for a better understanding of the close bond between faith and society.


In the first lesson of the Programme, the Reverend Bishop started with the introduction of the three major scopes of the services of CDV, namely social concern; ethics in medicine and technology; and the culture of theology of the body, with a purpose to promote the well-being of the mankind as well as a holistic ecological vision of humanity and social dimension. The Bishop continued to point out that the Programme was initiated by the Social Concerns Group and was designed in a manner that the twelve topics on Catholic Social Doctrine were all covered, enabling participants to understand the core values of the Catholic Church and to learn how to act in a way that shows progressive care for one’s family, society, nation and then the world. He also quoted what Pope Francis mentioned in the forewords of “DOCAT”: " It is like a user’s manual that helps us change ourselves with the Gospel first, and then our closest surroundings, and finally the whole world.” The Bishop anticipated that the participants could put into practice what they would have learnt, such that the Christian values would permeate all aspects of their teaching, raising the social awareness and moral sense of the next generation and fostering in them a life of justice and goodness.


The Bishop then clarified, in a simple yet insightful manner, that the concepts of love, justice and freedom from a Catholic perspective are different from those understood in societies nowadays. He proceeded to remind the participants of the need to clearly understand the definitions of these terms so as to better learn the remaining topics of the Programme. The lesson was concluded with a group discussion and presentation, in which each group shared their concerns and reflections on the contents covered in the first lesson.
