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The 1st Artificial Intelligence Application in Education Forum concluded with success


The 1st Artificial Intelligence Application in Education Forum was successfully concluded on May 20th with the enthusiastic participation of numerous guests. The forum was organised by the Macau Association for the Promotion of Artificial Intelligence Education (MAPIE), and co-organised by the University of Saint Joseph (USJ), Comissão Diocesana da Educação Católica, and iFlytek Co., Ltd., aiming to explore the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of education and its impact on educational development.


The forum commenced with the Signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between USJ and the MAPIE, represented by Rector Morgan and Chairman of MAPIE Jin Xin, respectively. The agreement signifies that both parties will jointly establish an educational research cooperation base to improve the quality of education and research, promote the development of optimized AI innovation courses and teaching materials, implement and promote innovative teaching strategies and assessment methods, and facilitate the professional development and enhancement of Macao’s teachers.

本次論壇邀請了多位專家學者就人工智能在教育中的應用進行分享。Prof. Stephen Morgan校長就人工智能影響下的高等教育發表主題演講,表示對人工智能未來在高等教育發展的想法和展望,特別強調科技急速發展帶來的機會。李克東教授針對人工智能在基礎教育的角色,內容針對基礎教育,人工智能核心素養與計算思維培訓,分享了如果通過主題活動實踐人工智能教育在跨學科的應用。

The forum invited several experts and scholars to share their insights on the application of artificial intelligence in education. Rector Morgan delivered a keynote speech on higher education under the influence of artificial intelligence, expressing his thoughts and outlook on the future applications of AI, and seizing the opportunities brought about by rapid technological development. Prof. Li Kedong also provided an in-depth explanation of the use of AI in the education sector, especially in elementary and middle school education, and offered some valuable suggestions and opinions.



Several theme presentations was held the afternoon, featuring Assistant Prof. Wu Hao from the School of Education at USJ discussing “Promoting Unbiased and Reliable Artificial Intelligence in Education: Empowering Students’ Cognitive Abilities”, Prof. Wang Zhijun from the Department of Educational Technology at Jiangnan University addressing “Algorithm-Supported Adaptive and Socialized Learning: A New Learning Paradigm in the AI Era”, and Head of Physics Department at Pui Ching Middle School Macau, Teacher Leung Pui Kam, examining the “Development and Assessment of the AI Curriculum at Pui Ching Middle School Macau”. These presentations provided an in-depth explanation of the current state of AI applications in education. Participating guests actively engaged in the question and discussion sessions, sharing their insights and experiences on the application of artificial intelligence in education. The forum successfully provided a platform for experts, scholars, and educators from different fields to exchange ideas and learn, helping to understand better and apply artificial intelligence technology and promote the development and progress of education in Macao.

出席嘉賓包括:天主教澳門教區李斌生主教、中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室教育與青年工作部岑嘉儀處長、教育及青年發展局鄭錫杰處長、澳門科學館邵漢彬館長、澳門人工智能教育促進會陳家良會長、聖若瑟大學麥侍文校長(Prof. Stephen Morgan)、華南師範大學教育資訊技術學院李克東教授、澳門大學教育學院王闖院長、聖若瑟大學教育學院葛贇院長、澳門大學教育學院范進偉助理院長、教區天主教教育委員會陳庭鋒主任、勞校中學鄭杰釗校長、廣大中學陳建邦校長、澳門培正中學陳敬濂副校長、教業中學助理陳少陽校長、澳門工商銀行大廈分行郭凱峯行長等。

Attendees included: Bishop of the Diocese de Macau D. Lee Bun Sang, Representative of the Director of Culture and Education of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR Cen Jia Yi, Head of Division of Curriculum Development and Assessment DSEDJ Cheang Sek Kit, Curator of Macao Science Center Sio Hon Pan, President of Macau Association for the Promotion of Artificial Intelligence Education, Chan Ka Leong, Rector of University of Saint Joseph Prof. Stephen Morgan, South China Normal University Prof. Li Ke Dong, Dean of Faulty of Education UMAC Prof. Chuang Wang, Dean of School of Education USJ Prof. Rochelle Ge, Assistant Dean of Faculty of Education UMAC Prof. Andy Chun Wai Fan, Office Director of the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission Stephen Chan Teng Fong, Principal of Escola Secundária Lou Hau Zheng Jiezhao, Principal of Escola Kwong Tai Chan Kin Pong, Vice Principal of Escola Secundária Pui Ching Chan Keng Lim, Assistant Principal of Escola Kao Yip Chan Sio Ieong, and Branch Manager of ICBC Tower Branch Kevin Kwok.


Source of information: University of Saint Joseph

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