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Awardees announced for the “Saint Peter’s Award” of the 2023/2024 Academic Year


As an encouragement for Primary, Junior and Senior Secondary graduating students from Diocesan schools who have excellent performance in religious subjects and are actively participating in religious activities, for five consecutive years the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission has been issuing the “St. Peter’s Award” since the academic year of 2019/2020, awarding a trophy, a certificate and scholarship to students recommended by their schools. The award is named after St. Peter because he is the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church as the leading Apostle as well as the first Pope, and to whom Jesus has reinstated to feed and take care of His sheep. Catholic schools share this important mission of shepherding young people and cultivating faith in them, showing them the true light of the world.

2023/2024學年獲獎學生合共二十四人(名單詳見此網頁),特別一提本年度獲獎學生中有三名已是第二次獲學校推薦取得此獎項,包括聖若瑟教區中學第五校Form 6A的黃思蕾、聖保祿學校高三B的陳泳恩、以及聖若瑟教區中學第五校Form 3A的張悅程,三名同學在三年前的2020/2021學年分別在同校的Form 3B、初三A、以及Primary 6A時已首次得獎

24 dedicated students are awarded in the 2023/2024 academic year (list of awardees on this webpage), the highlight this year is that three of the awardees are already receiving this award for the second time: Wong Si Loi from Form 6A of Colégio Diocesano de São José 5; Chan Weng Ian from Senior 3B of Escola São Paulo; and Cheong Ut Cheng from Form 3A of Colégio Diocesano de São José 5, have been awarded once three years ago in the 2020/2021 academic year when they were still in Form 3B; Junior 3A; and Primary 6A respectively, of the same school.


The scholarship and concerned expenses have been sponsored by a group of generous benefactors, fellow catholic donors, and ICBC Macau as a reflection of the communion and union within the Holy Church, their donations also symolise that the nurture of the youth is passed down the line from one generation to another. More details of the “St. Peter’s Award” can be obtained from this webpage.
